"Un Hostel acogedor donde encontraras confort y comodidad"
"A cozy Hostel where you will find comfort and convenience"
"A cozy Hostel where you will find comfort and convenience"
Copacabana - Bolivia
- Spacious rooms with private bathroom and view of LakeTiticaca
- Habitaciones Matrimoniales, Dobles y Triples.
- Double Rooms, Doubles and Triples.
- Agua caliente las 24 horas.
- Hot water 24 hours.
- Servicios Turísticos a la Isla del Sol.
- Tourist Services on the Island of the Sun
- Our prices include continental breakfast.
- Lavandería.
- Laundry service
- Quality care and service.
- Precios módicos.
- Reasonable prices.
Dirección: Avenida Costanera esquina Germán Busch.
Address: Avenida Costanera corner Germain Busch.
Address: Avenida Costanera corner Germain Busch.
Telf. (00591) 70674097 - 71252560.
email: hostel.leyenda@gmail.com